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Studegram is a futuristic edu tech company focusing on students career development, character development and career guidance

Career Guidance

Identify your passion and study abroad in the prominent universities across the world

Character development

Studegram app will guide the students to create a healthy lifestyle and remove the virtual world addiction

Career Development

Uses IoT and block chain technology to remove the need of documentation and to create a true online portfolio

Study Abroad Program

Study in UK GermanyCanadaFranceAustraliaLatviaMalta

Studegram can help you to find the right courses suiting your personality. Book a free session with us to find your stregths and identify courses that suit your taste and passion

Career Counselling

Find your passion and which courses to pursue your career

University and Course Selection

Once you identify the courses for you, we will help you to choose where to pursue it

Application Process

We will help you to apply to the university and guide you all across the entire application process

Test Preparation

We help you to prepare for the relevent tests required

Visa Guidance

We help you in visa processing and submitting the required documents

24X7 support

Even after you reach the destination contry or university, we will assist you during the reallocation period

What’s Next? Career Options After Studying in the UK

Studying in the UK is a transformative experience that opens up a world of opportunities. As you approach graduation, it’s natural to wonder about the next steps in your career journey. Here’s a comprehensive guide to exploring career options after studying in the UK, including job market insights, work visa options, postgraduate studies, and career services.

Career Options

1. Job Market Insights

The UK job market is diverse and dynamic, offering numerous opportunities across various sectors. Here are some key insights to help you navigate the job search:

  • High-Demand Sectors: Industries such as technology, healthcare, finance, engineering, and digital marketing are currently experiencing significant growth and demand for skilled professionals.
  • Graduate Schemes: Many large companies offer graduate schemes, which are structured programs designed to provide recent graduates with comprehensive training and development opportunities.
  • Networking: Leverage university events, career fairs, and professional networking sites like LinkedIn to connect with potential employers and industry professionals.

2. Work Visa Options

Securing the right visa is crucial for international students who wish to stay and work in the UK after graduation. Here are some common visa options:

  • Graduate Route Visa: This visa allows international students to stay and work in the UK for up to two years (or three years for doctoral graduates) after completing their studies. It is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable work experience without needing a job offer at the time of application.
  • Skilled Worker Visa: This visa is for individuals who have been offered a skilled job by a UK employer. The employer must be a licensed sponsor, and the job must meet certain skill and salary criteria.
  • Start-Up and Innovator Visas: These visas are designed for those who wish to start their own business in the UK. Applicants need to have a viable, innovative business idea endorsed by an approved body.

3. Postgraduate Studies

Furthering your education with postgraduate studies can enhance your qualifications and open up additional career opportunities. Consider the following options:

  • Master’s Degrees: Pursuing a master’s degree in a specialized field can deepen your expertise and make you more competitive in the job market.
  • PhD Programs: For those interested in research and academia, a PhD can lead to careers in teaching, research, and consultancy.
  • Professional Certifications: Acquiring professional certifications in fields such as finance, IT, and project management can boost your credentials and career prospects.

4. Career Services

Most UK universities offer robust career services to support students and alumni in their job search and career development. Take advantage of these resources:

  • Career Counseling: Personalized career counseling sessions can help you identify your strengths, interests, and career goals.
  • CV and Interview Workshops: Attend workshops to improve your CV, cover letter, and interview skills.
  • Job Portals: Universities often have exclusive job portals where employers post opportunities specifically for their students and graduates.
  • Internships and Placements: Many career services facilitate internships and placement opportunities, providing hands-on experience and networking connections.


The transition from studying to working in the UK is filled with exciting possibilities. By understanding the job market, exploring visa options, considering further studies, and utilizing university career services, you can set yourself up for success. Start planning early, stay proactive, and make the most of the resources available to you. Your dream career is within reach! Read more

How to prepare for a job interview

In today’s job market, appearing for an interview can be a daunting task. With so much competition and so many expectations from employers, it’s crucial to be well-prepared to stand out from the crowd.

As a seasoned professional, I’ve been through my fair share of interviews. Over the years, I’ve learned what it takes to appear well in an interview and impress potential employers. In this article, I’ll be sharing my experience and expertise with you so that you can improve yourself in  your next interview.

Understanding the Job Requirements

Before you can prepare for an interview, you need to understand the job requirements. Take the time to read the job description carefully, and make note of the required qualifications, skills, and experience. This information will be crucial in helping you prepare for the interview.

One of the best ways to understand the job requirements is to research the company and its industry. This will give you a better understanding of the company’s mission, values, and goals, which will be important to reference in your interview. You can refer to company websites, industry publications, and news articles to acquire industry knowledge and get a ready reckoner on the latest developments in the field.

Creating a Professional Resume

Your resume is often the first impression you make on a potential employer, so it’s essential to make it count. A professional and well-crafted resume can make you stand out from other candidates and show that you’re serious about the job.

When creating your resume, be sure to highlight your relevant skills and experience, and tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for. Use bullet points to break up your experience and make it easier to read. Don’t forget to proofread your resume carefully to ensure that there are no errors.

Creating a Strong First Impression

First impressions are everything, and that’s especially true in an interview. To make a strong first impression, be sure to dress appropriately, arrive on time, and be confident. Make eye contact, smile, and shake hands firmly with the interviewer. These small actions can go a long way in making a positive first impression.

Developing Soft Skills

Soft skills are just as important as technical skills when it comes to appearing well in an interview. Soft skills are your personal attributes, such as your ability to communicate, problem-solve, and work well with others.

To develop your soft skills, practice active listening, and pay attention to your body language. Be mindful of your tone and how you speak, and practice speaking confidently and clearly. Be sure to also work on developing your interpersonal skills, such as empathy and teamwork, as these are highly valued by employers.

Pitching Your Skills Effectively

When it comes to pitching your skills, it’s important to tailor your approach to the specific job you’re applying for. Be sure to research the company and the position to understand what skills and experience they’re looking for.

Use specific examples from your experience to demonstrate how your skills match the job requirements. Be sure to also emphasize your unique selling points and what makes you stand out from other candidates.

Introducing Yourself

The way you introduce yourself sets the tone for the entire interview. Be sure to introduce yourself confidently and professionally, and let the interviewer know why you’re interested in the job and why you’re the best fit.

Answering Common Interview Questions

There are a few common interview questions that you can expect to be asked in almost every interview. These include questions about your strengths and weaknesses, your experience, and why you’re interested in the job.

To answer these questions effectively, use specific examples from your experience to illustrate your points. Be sure to also highlight your relevant skills and experience, and tie them back to the job requirements.

Body Language

Body language is an essential component of communication and can significantly impact the outcome of an interview. Your body language speaks volumes about you, and it can either support or detract from the verbal message you’re conveying.

It’s crucial to maintain good posture during an interview. Sit upright with your back straight and your feet firmly planted on the floor. This posture conveys confidence, professionalism, and interest in the conversation.

Avoid fidgeting or tapping your fingers or feet, which can indicate nervousness or a lack of focus. Also, try to maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Not only does this convey confidence and attentiveness, but it also shows that you’re genuinely interested in the conversation.

Lastly, be mindful of your facial expressions. Smiling, nodding, and appropriate gestures can demonstrate enthusiasm and engagement, while a blank or negative facial expression can convey disinterest or even boredom.

Understanding the Interviewer’s Requirements and Using Tactical Empathy

One of the most critical aspects of a successful interview is understanding the interviewer’s requirements and needs. It’s crucial to prepare for an interview by researching the company, the role, and the job description thoroughly.

Once you understand the interviewer’s requirements, you can use tactical empathy to make the interviewer interested in you. Tactical empathy is a technique used in negotiation and communication that involves understanding the other person’s perspective and needs.

For example, if the interviewer is looking for a candidate with leadership skills, highlight your leadership experience, and how it has contributed to the success of previous roles. Similarly, if the interviewer is looking for a candidate who can work independently, highlight how you have demonstrated independence in previous positions.

It’s essential to remember that the interview is not just about you but also about how you can meet the needs of the company and the interviewer.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are critical in any job, and they’re just as important during an interview. Your soft skills can help you stand out from other candidates and can demonstrate your ability to work well with others.

Soft skills include communication, teamwork, adaptability, problem-solving, and time management, among others. During an interview, try to highlight your soft skills by sharing specific examples of how you have demonstrated them in previous roles.

For example, if the interviewer asks about your communication skills, share how you have effectively communicated with clients, team members, or supervisors in the past. Similarly, if the interviewer asks about your problem-solving skills, share an example of how you identified and resolved a significant issue in a previous role.

It’s also important to keep in mind that soft skills are not just about what you say but also how you say it. Ensure that you communicate in a clear, concise, and professional manner.

Following Up

Following up after an interview is essential and can help you stand out from other candidates. Sending a thank-you note or email within 24 hours of the interview can demonstrate your professionalism, appreciation for the interviewer’s time, and continued interest in the position.

In the follow-up email, reiterate your interest in the position and highlight specific points from the interview that stood out to you. Also, if the interviewer mentioned a specific timeline for the hiring process, be sure to follow up accordingly.


Preparing for an interview can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can approach it with confidence and professionalism. Remember to research the company and role thoroughly, practice your responses to common interview questions, and focus on highlighting your skills and experience.

During the interview, maintain good posture, avoid fidgeting or tapping, maintain eye contact, and be mindful of your facial expressions. Also, remember to use tactical empathy, highlight your soft skills, and follow up promptly after the interview.

With these tips, you can navigate the interview process successfully and put your best foot forward. Reads more studegram blogs

Kerala’s Best Study Abroad Consultancy

Studegram Edutech is often regarded as one of Kerala’s leading study abroad consultancies due to its comprehensive and personalized services aimed at helping students achieve their international education goals. Here’s a detailed overview of why Studegram Edutech is considered one of the best study abroad consultancies in Kerala:

study abroad


Why Studegram Edutech Stands Out ?



  1. Comprehensive Services:

– Career Counseling: Studegram offers personalized career counseling to help students identify their academic and career aspirations.

– Course and University Selection: Provides expert guidance in selecting the right courses and universities that match the student’s profile and goals.

– Application Assistance: Assists with the entire application process, including filling out forms, preparing documents, and meeting deadlines.

– Visa Guidance: Offers thorough support for visa applications, including document preparation and interview coaching.

– Test Preparation: Provides coaching for standardized tests like IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, and SAT.

– Scholarship and Financial Aid Guidance: Helps students identify and apply for scholarships and financial aid to manage their education expenses.

– Pre-Departure Briefings: Conducts sessions to prepare students for life abroad, covering cultural, academic, and practical aspects.

– Post-Arrival Support: Provides assistance with accommodation, airport pickups, and other initial settlement needs.


  1. Expert Leadership:

Rajeel and Suvaibith Ali , Managing Directors and CEO With their extensive experience in education consultancy, they leads Studegram with a vision to provide high-quality and ethical services to students. His strategic planning and innovative approach have been pivotal in establishing Studegram as a reputable consultancy.


  1. Personalized Approach:

– Studegram is known for its student-centric approach, ensuring that each student receives tailored advice and support. This personalized attention helps students make informed decisions about their education and career paths.


  1. Ethical Practices:

– The consultancy prides itself on maintaining transparency and integrity in all its dealings. Ethical practices are at the core of Studegram’s operations, providing students and their families with honest and accurate information.


  1. Innovative Solutions:

– Studegram leverages the latest technologies and innovative practices to enhance the quality and efficiency of its services. This includes digital platforms for easier communication and streamlined processes.


  1. Strong Network:

– The consultancy has established strong relationships with numerous educational institutions worldwide, providing students with a wide range of options for their studies.


 Student Testimonials and Success Stories


– Positive Feedback: Many students and their families have shared positive testimonials about their experiences with Studegram, highlighting the professional and supportive guidance they received throughout their study abroad journey.

– Successful Placements: Studegram has a track record of successfully placing students in prestigious universities and colleges across the globe, reflecting its effectiveness and reliability as a consultancy.


Contact Information

For more information about their services or to get in touch with Studegram Edutech, you can visit their official website or contact their office directly. They typically provide detailed contact information and a form for inquiries on their website.



Studegram Edutech’s comprehensive services, expert leadership, personalized approach, ethical practices, innovative solutions, and strong network make it one of Kerala’s best study abroad consultancies. Whether you are at the beginning of your study abroad journey or need assistance with specific aspects of the process, Studegram Edutech is well-equipped to help you achieve your educational and career aspirations.


We work in partnership with all the major universities

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