10 Part-Time Jobs for International Students in the UK

Moving to the UK for studies is an exciting adventure, but managing money as an international student can be difficult. Part-time jobs are an excellent opportunity to supplement your income, obtain work experience, and become immersed in the local culture. Here is a list of ten part-time occupations ideal for overseas students in the UK.

Part-Time jobs


1.Retail Assistant

Working as a retail assistant in shops, supermarkets, and department stores is a popular choice. It entails stocking shelves, serving clients, and conducting sales transactions. Flexible hours and the opportunity to improve your customer service abilities make this an excellent option.

2.Hospitality Worker

 Waiting tables, bartending, kitchen assistance, and front desk operations are among the many part-time jobs available in the hospitality business. Jobs at cafes, restaurants, and hotels are available and may be accommodated around your academic schedule. Additionally, tips might increase your earnings.

 3.Campus Ambassador

 Many universities hire students as campus ambassadors to promote events, programs, or services. This role involves marketing, social media promotion, and event organization. It’s a great way to get involved with your university community and enhance your resume.

 4.Library Assistant

 If you prefer a quieter work environment, consider a job as a library assistant. Responsibilities include shelving books, assisting with research, and managing checkouts. This role often offers flexible hours that can fit around your study commitments.


 Working as a tutor allows you to put your academic skills to use. You can help your classmates or younger pupils with subject-specific tutoring or general study skills. This employment not only pays well, but it also strengthens your existing knowledge.

 6.Administrative Assistant

 Administrative assistant positions are available at universities and local companies. Data input, answering the phone, and basic clerical work are typical tasks. These occupations can provide significant office experience and improve your organising skills.

 7.Customer Service Representative

 Customer service positions in contact centres or support departments entail handling inquiries, complaints, and delivering information. Strong communication skills are required, and these jobs can help you improve your problem-solving ability.

 8.Freelance Work

 If you have skills in graphic design, writing, web programming, or translation, you should seek freelance opportunities. Websites such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer provide platforms for finding gigs that match your skills. Freelance job offers freedom and the opportunity to develop a portfolio.

 9.Delivery Driver/Rider

 Delivery jobs are perfect for students who enjoy being on the go. Deliveroo and Uber Eats use part-time drivers and riders to deliver meals, deliveries, and groceries. This employment provides flexible hours and the opportunity to explore the city.

 10.Event Staff

 Working as an event staffer at concerts, sporting events, or conferences is an exciting way to make money. Ticketing, ushering, setup, and cleanup are all possible roles. This position is ideal for persons who appreciate dynamic work environments and communicating with others.


Finding Part-Time Jobs


University Career Services:

Use your university’s career services and job sites to find part-time job opportunities and support.

Online Job Portals:

Indeed, Reed, and Student Job are fantastic sites for obtaining part-time work.


Connect with other students, instructors, and members of the local community to learn about job opportunities.

Local Businesses:

Visit neighbourhood shops, cafes, and businesses to inquire about job openings.

Social Media and Community Boards:

Check Facebook groups, university notice boards and community forums for job opportunities.

Important Considerations


Visa Restrictions:

Ensure you comply with the work hours allowed under your student visa. Typically, international students in the UK can work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during holidays.

Balancing Work and Study:

Prioritize your studies and choose a job with flexible hours to maintain a healthy balance.

National Insurance Number:

Apply for a National Insurance Number to work legally in the UK.

Working part-time in the UK as an international student can be a rewarding experience, offering not only financial benefits but also the chance to build new skills and make lasting connections. Explore these opportunities and find the right balance to enhance your student life in the UK. Read blog : How to Choose the Right Study Abroad Program: A Comprehensive Guide